
Become a ProWoc volunteer or help out with an event

Thank you for being a member of ProWoc. We have six committees that could use your skills, talents and expertise.


ProWoC event at Roccamore Jan 2023

November 2023

ProWoc Conference Looking for Volunteers

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ProWoc Volunteer Sign-up Form

Thank you for becoming a ProWoc volunteer. This is an important commitment of your time and talents.

Dear members, please select the committee that will be the best fit for you.
A team member from your selected committee will contact you soon.

(A Paid ProWoc membership is a requirement to be on the Board or Committee. Please click here to join.)

Click here to fill in your Volunteer signup form.

ProWoConference – Volunteer Sign-up Form

Click here fill in your ProWoc Conference volunteer form.

Learn more about ProWoc Committees.

Career and Personal Development

Director: Ifeoma (Ify) Okpala

Developing and extending programmes, workshops, and tutorials from the subject matter experts on how professional women can develop their careers to meet their professional goals. We have a holistic approach and our programs range from crafting the right kind of CV to developing an overall professional presence and enhanced mental wellbeing. The workshops are tailored to the needs of the members of ProWoc.

For more information email

ProWoc General Meeting -opt

Communications and Visibility

Director: Sondra Duckert

Providing information, updates, and developing platforms and channels to reach, inform and collect information about developments, events and workshops while positioning ProWoc for increased visibility is the key focus here.

For more information email  


ProWoc Mentoring corhort 3

Mentoring & Coaching

Director: Ifeoma (Ify) Okpala

Developing a cohesive programme that matches mentors, who are experts in their fields; with relevant mentees, who seek advice in developing new skills, career advancement, job search, or starting their own business. We also offer coaching to supplement our mentoring program.

For more information email

Maja de Silva Photography for ProWoc

Network Membership

Director: Jackie Ogutu

Focus is on growing a diverse and inclusive membership allowing individual members to maximize their connections and build relationships. We commit to providing our members with the best service and ensure that their voices are heard.

For more information email


Social events

Director: Nyeleti Sue-Angel Nkuna

Developing events and programmes that are aimed at fostering relationships that go beyond work hours, and building a sense of camaraderie and friendship is the key focus.

For more information email

Deloitte ProWoc Sponsors

Sponsorship and Liaison

Director: Caroline Onyango-Dyregaard

Forging collaborative relationships with corporate entities and other relevant organizations in the public sphere. Liaising with key external stakeholders and allies to improve diversity and inclusion as well as to ensure relevant and programming for our members.

For more information email