March 9th 2022 – Hurra, Hurra, Hurra! 🎉🎂🎶🌺🥂🎈

It has been an amazing journey so far and the best is yet to come.
We are fulfilling our mission to increase the visibility and impact of #womenofcolor in Denmark.💪🏾💪🏾

We contribute to #breakingthebias and increasing the #diversity of #women womxn in all spaces.

We provide a #safespace safe for our members to be #inspired and be supported and to grow and evolve to change the world around them.

We believe in #mentorship and are #rolemodel for each other and for future generations.

We believe in the power of #allyship and that by working together across organisations, genders and ethnicities, we can make sustainable change for the better.

We are highly appreciative of the support and engagement of all those have taken this journey with us. There have been so many and we are grateful. 🙏🏽🙏🏽♥️♥️

If you are interested in being a part of the ProWoc journey, DM us or send an email to .

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