Help desk/FAQs

Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please contact us if the answer you seek is not listed below.


Where is my membership subscription account? I want to make changes.

Your ProWoc membership subscription account is located under ‘Members Login’ located on the footer and on the Shop ProWoc page nav menu.

Click this link to log into your Members (Subscription) Account.

In your Customer account you can view your recent subscription and event purchases as well as downloads.

You can also make changes to your membership subscriptions under your account profile.

Please contact the membership committee or ProWoc admin if you would like more assistance.

Forgotten Password
If you forgot your Password, please enter your email address and click on ‘Forgot Your Password’. You will receive a link to enter a new password.

If you receive a message that your ’email address does not exist’ you will need to register for a ‘new’ account or look at your records to see which email address you used for previous purchases or event registrations.

2-Step Verification (2FA) 

2-step verification is set as an option and is not required but it is a way to keep your account secure.

If you have activated your 2-step verification and you are having problems logging in contact us.  Problems often occur if you’re prompted to enter a code for a number that is old, incorrect or inaccessible.

Why can't I sign in?

If you’re having difficulty signing in to your account, follow the steps below.

ProWoc main site or Members Only site?
Make sure that you are signing  into the correct site:

There are some situations where a member/guest/customers registered for an event or purchased a product but did not select to ‘create an account’. In those cases you will need to register for a Customer account.

Forgotten Password
If you forgot your Password, please enter your email address and click on ‘Forgot Your Password’. You will receive a link to enter a new password.

If you receive a message that your ’email address does not exist’ you will need to register for a ‘new’ account or look at your records to see which email address you used for previous purchases or event registrations.

2-Step Verification (2FA) 

2-step verification is set as an option and is not required but it is a way to keep your account secure.

If you have activated your 2-step verification and you are having problems logging in contact us.  Problems often occur if you’re prompted to enter a code for a number that is old, incorrect or inaccessible.

My ProWoc emails are being flagged as Spam. What can I do?

If you received notification emails from ProWoc and they end up in your spam folder. Please add the ProWoc email to your contact folder.
If the issue continues please contact

Can I create a Help Desk ticket if I need help with my Customer Account?

Yes. You can submit a help desk ticket by sending an email describing your issue. Please give your issue a title in the subject line and list step-by-step the problem you are having.

For example:  I am locked out of my Membership account after 4 failed attempts to login using my customer account password.

Send an email with the subject line: Locked out of ProWoc Customer account after 5 failed attempts to login. 

Also let ProWoc know which committee should address your email.

If the issues is technical (problems with log in) place attn: Help Desk


I'm a ProWoc newsletter subscriber. Does this mean that I am a ProWoc member?

Subscriping to our ProWoc newsletter is free and this certifies you as part of the ProWoc community. You will be notified about the benefits of becoming a member, upcoming calendar events, and more.

ProWoc membership subscription (Annual, Semi-Annual and Student) are paid subscription options that have many benefits including:

  • free mentorship program
  • free or discounted event tickets, and
  • entry to other non publicized events and offers.

It’s easy to become a member of the ProWoc Network. Click here to view our membership page and read about how you can join us.

How can I become a ProWoc member?

It’s easy to become a member of the ProWoc Network. Click here to view our membership page and read about how you can join us.

Note: ProWoc memberships automatically renews after 6 or 12 months. Please log into your account to turn off automatic renewal.

 When members cancel their subscription to prevent automatic renewal the system will also automatically cancel the membership subscription even though the membership is valid until the end of the subscribed period.

How can I create and manage my customer account?

To create or manage your customer account profile click on Members Login’.

Members Login – Subscription Account links are also located on the ‘Shop ProWoc ‘page, top right and also on the bottom of the footer section on ProWoc main website.

How do I log into or register for the ProWoc Network for Members Only?

To log into your Members Only account click on the link-> THIS SITE IS UP FOR DELETION/CLOSURE – Dec 2024

Note: If you are a member of our Networking Site, and you would like to save your data. Please log into the Networking site and do so before 31 December 2024. Thank you. 

Is there a grace period for when I can cancel my subscription before it automatically renews?

Yes. You can cancel your subscription up to 48 hours before the next renewal date.

If you have any billing questions please contact .

Safety and security

How to protect your personal information

2-Step Verification (2FA)  is available

2-step verification is set as an option and is not required but it is a way to keep your account secure.

If you have activated your 2-step verification and you are having problems logging in contact us.  Problems often occur if you’re prompted to enter a code for a number that is old, incorrect or inaccessible.

Please help! I think my account has been compromised.

If you think your account located on please contact the admin ASAP so that we can take steps to deactivate.

Send email to and mark the subject as Urgent.

Rules and policies

Code of coduct

Please see the following: 

ProWoc Bylaws  (check the box if you are a member and have yet to send in your acknowledgment of ProWoc Bylaws. )

Privacy policy

Terms of Conditions

Refund and Returns Policy

Managing your account

Help! I'm locked out of my account.

If you have been locked out of your account because of too many failed login attempts. Please contact ProWoc admin.

How can I update my email address?

To update your email address, please log into your account and switch out your old email address to your new one. You may be asked to provide your password again for security reasons.

Contact ProWoc admin if you have any problems.

About suspended accounts

Contact ProWoc admin if your account has been suspended without your knowledge.


Using ProWoc site

Explore ProWoc

Masterclasses and Workshops: ProWoc develops and offers programmes, workshops, and tutorials from the subject matter experts on how professional women can develop their careers to meet their professional goals.

Mentoring: To improve your motivation, talent, enhance your leadership skills and more.

ProWoc Book Club: It is open to all – ProWoc members and non-members so the perfect place to get to know some new people while sharing your perspective in lively discussions.

ProCelebrates: Highlighting Women Achievers
ProWoc Celebrates is a quarterly feature from ProWoc that highlights women achievers with inspiring stories.

ProWAccelerate (Coaching): ProWAccelerate is a program that offers you access to world-class coaches from diverse backgrounds and disciplines.

ProWalk & Talk Danish: ProWoc is thrilled to offer an exciting new, FREE program to our members: ProWalk & Talk Danish!

Network Membership

Want to become a Member?

ProWoc provides a shared platform for WoC to connect, grow, evolve, and affect change in the world around them.


We welcome your interest and questions. Please contact us directly and we will be happy to answer and tell you more about ProWoc.