ProWalk & Talk Danish – now in Collaboration with Swap Language.

Stay connected for the next sign up date.

ProWoc is thrilled to offer an exciting new, FREE program to our members: Learn Danish! with Swap Language. 


Are you a member of ProWoc who would like to improve your Danish speaking skills? Would you like to practice speaking with a female native Danish speaker 1-on-1, in an informal setting? If so, then check out the information below:

ProWoc is thrilled to offer an exciting new, FREE program to our members: ProWalk & Talk Danish!

The concept is simple:

– It is an outdoor activity for two ladies: you (the Learner*) and the Speaker

– You meet for walking and talking in Danish once a week

– You meet at a time that suits you both

– You meet at a place that is convenient for you both (max 30 min. transport time)

– You commit to an initial duration of 2-3 months

The program duration covers a 2-3 month period initially, with the possibility for extension by 2 to 3 more months based on a mutual agreement between you and the Danish speaker. This timeframe should allow for significant improvement in your Danish language speaking skills.

The Learner and the Speaker are matched by ProWoc’s ProWTD committee based on a transport time criterion: 30 min max from each persons’ work or home to a common meeting place.

If you are interested in being a Learner or a Speaker, please fill out the application form below no later than: 12 May 2021. If you have any further questions, please write to .

*IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be a paid member of ProWoc to participate in the ProWalk & Talk Danish (ProWTD) program as a Learner of the Danish language.

If you would like to participate in ProWalk & Talk Danish, but are not yet a member of ProWoc, apply for membership via this link:

We hope you’ll join us for this exciting new program! Apply for the program in the form below!

ProWalk og Tal dansk


Er du en kvindelig dansk taler der gerne vil hjælpe en kvinde, der er ved at lære dansk med at blive bedre til at tale dansk, mens I går en tur og snakker? Så læs videre!

Oplægget er enkelt:

– Det er en udendørs aktivitet for 2 personer

– I går tur og snakker en time en gang om ugen

– I mødes på et tidspunkt der passer jer begge

– I mødes et sted, der passer jer begge (med højst ca. ½ times transporttid)

I første omgang forpligter begge parter sig til at mødes ugentligt i to måneder og derefter, hvis begge ønsker det, forlænge med to til tre måneder til. Dette tidsperspektiv skal muliggøre en væsentlig forbedring af ProWoc-medlemmets talefærdigheder, hvilket er hovedformålet. Et andet formål er kulturudveksling.

I ProWoc matcher vi to kvinder ud fra et geografisk kriterium: transporttiden fra deres arbejde eller hjem til et fælles mødested bør ikke være mere end en halv time samt eventuelle specifikke ønsker til ugedag og tidspunkt for at mødes.

Hvis du er interesseret i at være med til det næste runde, bedes du udfylde følgende formular inden 12. maj 2021. Hvis du har spørgsmål, så skriv til: .

Vi håber, at du vil deltage i dette spændende nye program! Hvis du vil deltage som dansk taler, kan du timelde dig programmet ved at udfylde nedenstående formular

Registration opening soon for our  Second session of ProWalk & Talk Danish.

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