The ProWoc Mentoring Program

Now On-Demand.

Relaunching May 6th 2024

Take control of your career, find your purpose. Activate your motivation, enhance your leadership skills and more.

The ProWoc Mentoring Program connects professional women in Denmark and provides a platform for personal and career growth and development enabling them to unleash their full potential. During the course of the program, participants share their personal and professional experiences, inspire each other and together build a strong and sustainable group of women leaders and role models. Mentees are women of colour currently living and working in Denmark and who are members of ProWoc.

Mentors and mentees commit to working together for SIX months, during which time they are required to hold:

  • a MINIMUM of four meetings
  • participate in the ProWoc Mentoring Program quarterly events

Why should you participate?

As a Mentee you

  • Get guidance on how to accelerate your professional and personal development
  • Gain exposure to new ideas, skills, and ways of thinking
  • Gain insights on how to nurture and increase your strengths and minimize weaknesses
  • Expand your network and access more opportunities

As a Mentor you

  • Reinforce skills and knowledge in your subject area
  • Improve your communication and interpersonal skills
  • Further, develop leadership and management qualities
  • Develop as a role model
If you have questions about the program please email


Mentoring – Developing a cohesive programme that matches mentors, who are experts in their fields; with relevant mentees, who seek advice in developing new skills, career advancement, job search, or starting their own business.

ProActive. ProYou. ProWoc Mentoring.

The tailor-made ProWoc Mentoring Program was initiated in 2020 in collaboration with Djøf and has received excellent reviews.

In our new On-Demand Mentoring, we no longer have cohorts and are open for new mentors and mentees on an on-going basis.

Mentor and mentee matching will occur from May 06, 2024.

*Mentees must be a ProWoc member.


ProWoc On-Demand Mentoring Program Process

ProWoc Mentor Program- 2024 May 06

*Mentees, must be a ProWoc member to join.


“The mid-way event was a great time to reflect on the relationship with my mentor and what we have achieved so far. I think it will also contribute to our future sessions and how we can build on these from the experience of other participants.”

“We both find our meetings educational and also inspirational. In her feedback to me, my mentee said, ” I feel lucky to be so matched with you as my mentor” and this is also my sentiment as well.”

“We have made huge progress and we have both learned a lot from each other. My mentor has helped me meet more than 80% of the goals we set down for the entire journey and I am still making good progress.”

“Our journey is going well and my mentee seems to be heading in the direction that she wishes to. I am also using the sessions to practice my listening skills and feel that it is going well.”

Network Membership

Want to become a Member?

ProWoc provides a shared platform for WoC to connect, grow, evolve, and affect change in the world around them.


We welcome your interest and questions. Please contact us directly and we will be happy to answer and tell you more about ProWoc.