We often hear about allyship in the context of social responsibility. That is to say, in the interest of being ethical, good people, we should look out for those among us who are marginalized or come from a less privileged social position. However, true allyship is an active partnership that benefits everyone involved. 

As Professional Women of Colour (ProWoc) co-founder Selim Ablo-Nielsen said, “There are many ambitious and hard-working professional women of colour in Denmark with valuable skills, experiences, and stories to share… I believe that Danish society benefits when their talents and potential are utilised to the fullest.” Given Denmark’s current labor shortage, this sentiment couldn’t be more true.  

ProWoc will be sharing its message of allyship at their upcoming inaugural conference on 18th of November, 2021 with the theme “Allyship in Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in Denmark.” There will be an impressive roster of speakers, including Dr. Poornima Luthra, author of ‘Diversifying Diversity: Your guide to being an active ally of inclusion in the workplace.’ 

ProWoc has a mission to uplift and support professional women of colour in their career journeys here in Denmark but the network is for everyone, just as allyship is for everyone because when we all succeed, the whole community succeeds


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